Saturday, November 27, 2010

Help God

Argument 18:

God says:
“O you who believe! If you help God, He will help you and make firm your feet” (47:7).
Several great wisdoms appear from this holy verse: The first wisdom is that the help is both most special as well as quite ordinary, therefore, after God we can seek help from the Prophet and the Imam. Had it not been so, God would not have brought it to the generality and said: If you help God, He will help you. It is therefore clear that help is not a special word which is used only for God. The second wisdom is that as the Prophet and the Imam in their luminosity help mu’mins, similarly, it is incumbent upon mu’mins to help the Prophet and the Imam like the disciples of Hazrat Ali helped him (3:52). They will be rewarded for this help as if they have helped God, for God Himself is not in need of anyone’s help. The third wisdom is that when you help the Vicegerent of God, you should know that you help God, and when he helps you, you should accept that this help is from God.

The fourth wisdom is that the exalted rank of the Prophet and the Imam does not diminish because of the help provided by mu’mins as there cannot be any doubt about His glory and majesty from the concept of helping Him. The fifth wisdom is that this command of God is not general but it is special. Because in a general command, people are either frightened of Hell or given glad tidings of Paradise. But in this command it is not so, for in His infinite mercy, He has said this command as though He is favoured by us helping Him in one of His interrupted works. This is the final degree of the description of the importance and excellence of religious service and obedience. The sixth wisdom is that in this verse is mentioned the standard of ascent and descent. That is, if a mu’min cannot improve in his intention, speech and action and cannot progress on the path of Islam and the spiritual path, and time and again takes false steps, then he should know that he does not help God, so God also does not help him and as a result his feet slip.

1 comment:

  1. Subbhanallah,,,,out of imagenation,,, May Khudawand spread the light of Alama Sahib's knowledge all around the world on the life of each members of Al- Khalqu E- Ya Lullah.


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