Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Piety (Taqwa) for the Holy Imam, the Speaking Qur’an and Jamat Khana is Necessary

“You should be aware of the fact that in Islam taqwa (piety, God-fearing) is extremely important, because it is the spirit of all worship (‘ibadat). In order to attain taqwa, one has to struggle a lot. But note the compassionate nature of the Signs of God (Sha’a'ri’llah) and that by respecting and revering them, one attains the piety of the heart (22:32). The pure personality of the Imam of the time, who is the speaking Qu’ran and Jama’at-khanah, are among the Signs of God, and therefore, reverence for them results in the piety of heart and is also itself piety. For one of them is the hidden or spiritual House of God and the other is His apparent or physical House.” (Source: Fruit of Paradise, pages 126-127)

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