Friday, March 8, 2013

On what occasions is the soul seized?

"The work of Hazrat Izra'il is extremely miraculous and full of wisdom. He seizes the soul on five occasions:
  1. As a result of successful 'ibadat (bandagi) and dhikr of God in the heart of a mu'min, his soul is partially seized in the sense that some worn-out particles of soul are expelled and some fresh particles are brought in.

  2. The same event takes place when a mu'min sheds tears, implores and prays in the court of the Lord of Honor due to a calamity, hardship or sickness.

  3. It happens during the state of sleep. That is to say in this state, the exchange of soul, or seizing of soul, takes place repeatedly. Therefore, in order to attain (and retain) good soul (particles), it is necessary to wake up on time, lest these go away in this exchange (39:42).

  4. When a (living) darwish-like mu'min, in his spiritual progress, enters the station of the resurrecting death, he experiences a complete spiritual death (3:143).

  5. When the time of external and physical death comes, the soul is seized finally and completely."
Source: Qur'anic Healing, pp.77-78 

Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)

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