Friday, March 15, 2013

Part 5: How to remain safe and secure?

Part 5: How to remain safe and secure?

"If you want to remain safe and secure, if you cherish the protection of children, life and property and yearn to enter the refuge of the Omnipotent God, to be protected from all vices, calamities, afflictions, torments and misfortunes, then continue to recite Ma'udhatayn (i.e., Surah Falaq and Sural Naas) with great eagerness and absolute certainty. And in order to attain their special grace and blessings (of these Surahs), it is necessary to have the correct meaning, knowledge and wisdom, so that the way to their original treasure may be known. For, the original secret of the efficacy and usefulness of a surah, ayat or name is hidden in its meaning, knowledge and wisdom."
Source: Spiritual Healing, pp.50-51 

Haizinda — Qayampaya
(Our Present Imam is Living and His NOOR is Eternal)

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